Xmas Fayre – CCHS – 25th November
The Currie Community High School Fayre was good! Our first outing of this kind and it was hard to know what to expect.
The Currie Community High School gave us a good spot next to the Cafe and we had a fair few people coming to see us
Thanks to Jennifer, Julie, Ian, Thomas, Paul, Jason, Eric, Jamie and Emma for being there to help demoing games 🙂
We had a good selection of games from Haba, Hexagony UK, Stuff by Bez, Redwell Games… and many more.
We did manage a fairly long chat with MSP Gordon Macdonald (SNP) about the use of Board-Games in Scottish Education and it was a very positive chat (he still has his copy of Heroquest!! we have a believer people!), now I need to send him details of ideas and suggestions and he will present them to his colleagues at the Education Ministry and he will try get that booked in after June 2019 as their road-map is planned in 6 months blocks… 😀