Club Meeting – 9th November
Great evening once again. 17 of you turn up to play loads of games (I have not got picture of all the games, sorry).
Jason Brown donate “Betrayal at House on the Hill” to the club’s Library, very kind, thank you muchly!
Also it was wee Jamie’s birthday and we had cakes! So happy 7th birthday Jamie, our youngest member!
We played some Subatomic by Genius Games (see first impression here). It is such a good game! really enjoyed it.

Another game played was “Scoffton” (on Kickstarter). This was enjoyed by Carla, Jennifer, Jason and Iain – See review on The Giant Brain

Ian, Tomas and some of the youngsters did a great scenario for Imperial Assault using 4 sets of Dwarven Forge scenery

Some of the new members played a game of Photosynthesis (as great gateway game!) and they loved it…