Xmas Fayre – Juniper Green and Currie Community Council
On Saturday lunchtime (11AM to 2PM) we were at Juniper Green Primary School for their Xmas Fayre, we were in the mist of it all as opposed to in another room a little bit off the rest like in June, and we were Busy!! Tons of games were played and all people around seem very happy!
Big thanks to Jason, Emma, Julie, Ian, Thomas, Jamie and Eric for all their help.
We got a lot of praise from parents (both as we were the only free activity at the fayre and because it was a lot fun!)
NB: Photos never include any kids as schools have strict policy as well as the club.

On the evening, Jennifer, Jennifer’s Mum, Eric and Oscar were at the Currie Community Council Xmas Fayre
It wasn’t as busy, but we did have a many coming to see us in the games room. We had a lot of wee ones with parents who used to play board-games.
Important bit was seeing MSP Gordon Macdonald again (who apparently was at Juniper Green earlier, saw us being busy and heard a lot of positive comments about us!).
He got our letter about board-game in Education and he wants to discuss it with his colleagues on Wednesday when at the Scottish parliament…
I had many people saying “Oh, I heard about you guys, it’s a really good idea, I need to come visit you!” – I guess we are doing something right!
I was introduced to council leader Graham. Graham asked us if we would come to the Currie Youth club to do game demos. So this sounds like a nice thing to do!