Club Meeting – 26th October
Today was the Primary School Halloween Disco, and our youngsters preferred to go dancing in monster costumes rather than playing games… we cannot blame them at all!
So for a rare occasion, only 11 people turned up, and we played a few games that are for older :
- Motora (currently on Kickstarter Here). Inca/Aztec theme with a lot going on (worker placement, resource management game for 2-6 players that features dice combat and capture the flag objectives). We enjoyed it even if there are improvements to be done. (Edit: Kickstarter has now been cancelled and will be relaunched at a later date – we think this is the right thing to do)

- Subatomic, by Genius Games, Fresh from the fulfillment of the Kickstarter! This Deck Building game is fantastic! we really enjoyed our game and will be playing again for sure,and the theme is fantastic!

- Azul, this is becoming a regular thing at the club. This is a great game and also a very good gateway game.

- King of Tokyo (another classic)
- Elder Sign